

I found this awesome website of beautiful photography and quotes called GenderFork.com.
The theme of the website is gender ambiguity and expressing gender along a spectrum.  It's amazing looking through the pictures and having notions feminine and masculine challenged.  At the jump is one of my favorites...

I'm not even sure I would notice this guy was wearing a skirt if I saw him on the street...it incorporates so well with his masculine style and definitely changes my perspective on the narrow venues in which men wear skirts (Scottish kilts seeming to be the only acceptable one called to mind).  I had a guy friend once who also talked about wishing he could wear skirts because they seemed so comfortable, I may have to send him this picture.

GenderFork.com also has a collection of quotes from members which are super insightful, like the one below:

Mr and Miss Potato-Head.

Someone wrote…
I wish my body was like my gender most days. You know, wake up and go, “Well I’d like to have a penis today. Or I’d like to shed this masculine frame for some rough femininity. Or fed up with the concept of choice, opt for neither, and walk proudly through the streets.”
Mister and Miss Potato-Head have the good life. They change as much as they’d like while keeping their basic form, that potato-like lump. So yeah, I wish I was a sex-shifter. But when you tell people that, they kind of gasp awkwardly and reply, “Why?”
And I usually reply, “Well don’t you ever get bored being just a girl (or a guy)?”

1 comment:

  1. The profiles are also awesome!!! I'm learning all sorts of new gender nouns and pronouns :)
