
Netflix thought I'd like this...

So I recently joined Netflix and I LOVE IT!!!  There are so many "Watch Instantly" options, that the advantage of Blockbuster goes right out the window.  Another great thing that Netflix does for you is recommend movies it thinks you will like, based on movies you already rated.  As a result I came upon:

Låt den rätte komma in (2008) (Let the Right One In)


Netflix was correct on this point.  I feel like this is one of the most intense movies I have seen in a long while, and it really stuck with me.  It is such a dark and morbid story that it is hard to say that I "liked" it because I definitely wiped out after it was finished.  The storyline follows Oskar, a badly bullied boy who creates revenge scenarios for his bullies and collects newspaper clippings on murders.  Oskar has no friends and comes across a "girl" (read vampire), Eli, living in his apartment complex.  While at first she tells him they will not be friends, they bond over a rubix cube.  Throughout the movie their bond strengthens as does the violence and means that Eli goes to feed herself and Oskar goes to get revenge.  Sweden was the perfect place for setting this movie.  The snowy grey background  creates an ambiance that is cold, dark, and bleak echoing the loneliness and despair the two characters feel.  Overall very well done and will not lift your mood.  Wikipedia told me an American version is due out in 2010.  I am skeptical it can done as well for American audiences and it also seems a bit played to do a vampire movie in the shadow of Twilight and True Blood.  The book seems even darker then the movie, so I may try to find an English version to understand even more plot that was only alluded to in the film.


  1. There's a correction I need to post. Eli is not a girl...the character keeps saying this in the film and I thought the character meant "I'm not a girl, I'm a vampire". Apparently Eli is a castrated boy of ambiguous gender.

  2. Thank you for sharing with us!
    Really great. You are absolutely welcome. And thank you for coming by! I really appreciate it.
    Thank you for sharing with us!
    Really great. You are absolutely welcome. And thank you for coming by! I really appreciate it.
